Votre santé sous un même toit !
Centre de Santé de la Montagne
- Cash
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- E Transfert
Jani Pinet
Price : 110,00$ tax included (with insurance receipt in osteopathy)
During an osteopathic treatment, manual therapy techniques are used to restore moibility of the bones, muscles, fasciae, nerves and organs. This mobility restores the balance of the body and relieves the symptoms of the patient.
Massage therapist
Jean Scibetta, et Katherine Poirier
30 minutes .............................60$
45 minutes .............................75$
60 minutes .............................90$
75 minutes ...........................115$
90 minutes ...........................125$
Insurance receipt available in massotherapy
Jean Scibetta
30 minutes .............................60$
45 minutes .............................75$
60 minutes .............................90$
With insurance receipt in massotherapy